Cost of Raising a New Baby in 2018

How much does it price to heighten a child from diapers through braces to loftier school graduation?

The numbers on this earth-shaking question for prospective parents are both deficient and scary. In Canada, arguably the best-known estimate of child-rearing costs until age 18 comes from a 2011 article from personal finance mag MoneySense, which pegged the figure at $243,656, which works out to $257,364 in today's dollars.

South of the edge, the U.S. Department of Agronomics (USDA) has a like estimate of United states of america$233,610 for children born in 2015.

READ MORE: Here's how much baby's starting time year might price — and how to prep for it

But those quarter-one thousand thousand dollar figures can be discouraging and misleading, said Jason Heath, a certified fiscal planner and managing director at Markham, Ont.-based Objective Financial Partners.

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"Whenever you see big numbers, information technology can be intimidating — the numbers can seem bigger than they really are," said Heath, adding that he sometimes encounter this problem with clients who contemplate the magnitude of their total payments over the life of their mortgage loans. Those expenses often appear more manageable when you lot expect at them in terms of monthly expenses, Heath added.

The other problem with estimates of the average cost of raising a child is that bodily expenses can vary dramatically from family unit to family, he added.

READ More: How much does it price to raise a kid in Canada?

Those are two issues that Canadian fiscal planning website The Measure of Plan set out to resolve with a new child costs estimator that went live on Tuesday.

"If y'all've decided to take the plunge into parenthood, taking the time to calculate the expected costs will ensure that y'all aren't blindsided past the upcoming changes to your finances," writes the bearding author of site, which has received accolades from well-known money experts like Heath.

The calculator is a downloadable Excel file that lets users input values for anything from recurring expenses like housing, nutrient, transportation, childcare and extracurriculars to all the one-time expenses of infant's first year, from crib, stroller and automobile seat to pacifiers and childproofing supplies.

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READ More than: Child care costs in Canada: The almost and least expensive cities

For about entries, you can cull among low, medium or high criterion costs provided by the writer or enter your ain custom value. Yous can also exclude sure costs. For example, if grandma guarantees she will provide kid care cost-gratis, you can skip the "daycare costs" row.

Global News tried out the tool by inputting middle-range cost estimates. The computer came up with a projected spend of $246,320 over the toll of 18 years, an corporeality like to the estimates provided by MoneySense and the USDA.

Still, the tool also provided a useful nautical chart that breaks up costs past yr and calendar month and category. Users can as well discover out how their spending will probable vary over the grade of the child'southward life: If you're planning on total-time daycare until kindergarten, be ready for some hefty spending in the start iii years.

(For the above calculation we used the pre-populated mid-range benchmark values for all recurring costs except spending related to full-time daycare, extra-curricular activities and school supplies. For those categories, nosotros used averages based on, respectively, the latest survey of child intendance fees from the Canadian Middle for Policy Alternatives, the 2017 Global News-Ipsos poll on extracurricular activities, and latest back-to-schoolhouse survey past online deals site

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For baby's beginning year costs, the author relies on estimates from, a U.S.-based website. Instead, Global News relied on average estimates based onBabies: The Real Story of How Much They Cost, an east-book provided by the Canadian Clan of Certified Professional person Accountants.)

WATCH: Here are the cheapest and almost expensive kids' activities

Click to play video: 'The cheapest, most expensive extracurriculars in Canada: Ipsos poll' The cheapest, well-nigh expensive extracurriculars in Canada: Ipsos poll

The cheapest, about expensive extracurriculars in Canada: Ipsos poll – Sep 3, 2017

Calculation in college savings and lost income from parental leave

While Canadian and U.S. estimates of child-rearing costs usually exclude college costs, the calculator has the ability to add pedagogy savings up until historic period eighteen.

There's also an option to include lost income from staying at home with your little one. Filling out that row volition give you a better thought of how you'll match financial inflows and outflows during parental leave, when most families face non only a toll spike merely a significant income driblet. Simply you lot could also use that characteristic to get a sense of the opportunity cost of becoming a stay-calm parent or switching to part-time employment.

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When Global News re-ran the numbers including college savings and parental leave costs, the estimator produced a effigy of $310,244 over eighteen years, significantly higher than the previous estimate.

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We assumed a family income of $87,688 (which is the median income of Canadian couples according to the 2016 census) and Ontario-based parents who earn the same corporeality and share one year of parental get out as while receiving EI benefits. The lost income after taxation would be around $1,585 per month. (To calculate later-tax income, apply this handy tool provided by global consultancy EY. To estimate your EI benefits, you can apply TD's parental leave computer.)

For college savings, we assumed the couple would put abroad $208 per calendar month or, roughly, $2,500 per yr, which would allow them to maximize the regime top-upwards in a Registered Education Savings Programme (RESP).

The cost of a child'southward start twelvemonth, unsurprisingly, becomes a lot higher when one factors in lost income.

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And the nautical chart shows just what a hefty clamper of total spending higher savings would take up for a centre-class family determined to comprehend all or most of the costs of higher education for their child.

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Click to play video: '$220 per week: That's the cost of groceries for an average Canadian family' $220 per week: That'southward the cost of groceries for an average Canadian family

$220 per week: That's the cost of groceries for an average Canadian family unit – Nov vii, 2017

Not included: Additional kids, government benefits and lifestyle changes

The calculator does a good task of forcing people to retrieve about a number of costs they might otherwise forget about when attempting to budget for a growing family unit, Heath said.

Merely the tool doesn't address how much additional kids might add together to the family's expenses.

Heath said parents shouldn't delude themselves into thinking a second kid will toll half as much every bit the first. Having two kids costs nearly twice as much every bit having one.

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"There aren't that many economies of scale. You go lucky if you accept kids of the aforementioned gender close in age, only things similar extracurricular activities, food and birthdays can't be passed on," he said.

On the other hand, the reckoner doesn't account for government aid like the Canada Kid Benefit, which can make a significant divergence to a family unit'due south bottom line.

And neither does the tool account for the lifestyle downsizing that usually accompanies the arrival of a little one.

Kids may blow upwardly your expenses, but they besides "impede the power to get out to the bar or fancy restaurants," Heath said.

And many parents will notice that every bit they learn to juggle diaper changing, feeding, nap schedules and md's appointments, they're as well getting better at budgeting.


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