what to text a girl you havent seen in a few weeks

This topic contains 88 replies, has 1 vocalization, and was last updated by  Alexis 2 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #507632 Reply


    This guy I've been talking to for a few months lately hasn't been talking to me as frequently as he used to. Nosotros hung out peradventure three weeks ago (we're both busy people). Just this week, he hasn't messaged me at all. He looks at my social media (snapchat) all the time, and the minute I post something he views it within an 60 minutes, but no texts? Conspicuously he's not and then decorated that he can't send i text.

    Is it safe to presume that if a guy hasn't texted me in an entire week, when he unremarkably texts every other mean solar day, that he's not interested anymore? What do you lot suggest I practise?

    #507635 Reply


    I know most of the advice is not to initiate merely perchance if he'south been doing it 100% of the time he wants you to text him first. Men are human too and they want to feel wanted. I don't think information technology will hurt to text him every bit long as you're not needy and asking why he hasn't contacted yous, just a friendly check in. If he doesn't respond or he's brusk with you then at least you'll know and tin finish wondering and move on

    #507783 Reply


    Thanks for the advice :) I decided to message him and he replied pretty quickly. We've been having a normal sort of playful chat like we used to. Just non certain how he feels since he didn't talk to me for a while.

    #507789 Answer


    Men don't go caught up with the exact fourth dimension since the last time of concluding text. Texting means absolutely zero to them. Unless that's their simply way of communication. I've had a guy who simply communicated via text and it drove me insane.

    #507790 Reply


    Well…men do think about texting and replies and how long it takes for you to reply. They totally do. They are human. But as opposed to the states they take it a little easier. Information technology is easier for them to have erratic digital manners.

    #508013 Reply


    If there's i thing I learned it's that men don't read into things like do. Your listen got in the fashion and started analyzing the "meaning' to why he didn't text. Finish doing that! ;-) Y'all'll save yourself hours of stress, Starbucks and Ben & Jerry's if you leave of your head immediately and human action. You lot want him to exist interested, so don't be too busy. You lot tin't expect "interested" if you put other things first. Proximity! Be peachy and testify him how much he'southward missing being in your energy! If he's also decorated, then see it at face value. NO interpretations from no facts based on your story in your head. Our story never matches reality. If y'all want to be in his space, inquire him to. feb. 29th is coming up, the solar day girls ask guys out. Get for it and delight don't over think it. If y'all get the urge, y'all got 5 seconds to Human activity. Afterward that, you'll talk yourself out of information technology. 5 2nd rule…good luck!

    #508023 Reply


    Well, if a guy communicates with you oft and consistently and and then stops for a while week, there is cipher to it? Of course in that location is something. But instead of worrying, you need to let information technology be and just wait until he comes and tells you,and so I'd make sure he understands that you lot practise not appreciate this style and require a more respectful approach, so that if there is something not right he lets you know or at the very to the lowest degree does not go out y'all hanging and wondering what's going on. One text per day is non a big task.

    #508060 Reply


    Hmm I suspect I would feel the same way that he wasn't interested whatsoever more because that's ridiculous why would he disappear for a whole week without any detect or explanation as to why? How did yous guys meet?

    #508075 Answer


    "I decided to message him and he replied pretty apace. We've been having a normal sort of playful conversation similar we used to. Merely not sure how he feels since he didn't talk to me for a while."

    That's exactly the problem with you initiating!! Now y'all have no idea if he actually wanted to talk to you or if he'southward just beingness nice and responding!! Pitiful only a guy who's really interested doesn't just disappear for a week with no caption. And if he hasn't seen yous in three weeks, he would certainly exist missing y'all past now. If he's not initiating texts and not trying to set up a time to see you once more then he's non very interested. I would bet if you lot stopped initiating you're probably not going to hear from him.

    #508756 Reply



    Well after that showtime message nosotros talked for the rest of the mean solar day/dark. He messaged me saying "proficient forenoon :)" on Sunday and we talked for a couple hours until the evening and so he never responded to my concluding message. It's now 2 days later and I haven't heard from him. I'm only not going to send him anything for a while to see if he bothers to message me. I'm slowly becoming more frustrated with this whole thing and I wish guys would just be more straightforward and tell me when they're not interested instead of leaving me hanging!

    #508768 Reply


    Just attempt to focus on sth else. Don't interact with him unless he interacts with you. Try to not call back about him besides frequently. I know it'southward probably hard. If he's interested, he'll get in known, if he's non, y'all've already started removing him from your headspace.

    #508771 Reply



    I'm kind of in your situation, sort of. I'1000 seeing somebody and I oasis't seen him in 3 weeks (he hurt his back badly).

    Although, he has been consequent with texting, the terminal couple of times he has gone a bit MIA its been 3 days maximum of quietness on his finish, then he messages. From reading a lot on this forum, I think it'due south all-time to set your boundaries. Example, if a guy goes an unabridged week without checking in (early stages), reconsider whether he is suitable plenty for you, or whether that's what you desire to put upwards with. Since I don't know all the details of your relationship (how many dates, where you two stand) I would suggest non putting too much stress on the situation.

    Also… Having him on any social media in the early stages will only drive you crazy by constantly looking at his online activeness while wondering what he'south doing, why he hasn't replied etc. It'south the biggest waste product of time. One time he messages you lot, yous'll regret all the fourth dimension you lot spent worrying.

    #509097 Answer


    Okay guys, and so afterwards two days of not responding to my last message, he initiated a text chat with me this morning and we've been talking all day. :) So yes, he somewhen came flocking dorsum. Maybe I shouldn't have worried in the first place? :( is this a normal thing with guys?

    #509101 Reply


    Maybe he'south back just I notwithstanding don't recollect it's "normal" (meaning a guy with a high level of involvement).

    I mean if we're looking at the big pic, the texting is pretty inconsequential. The fact that you haven't seen this guy in over a calendar month now speaks volumes.

    Are yous looking for a texting buddy or someone to date? For an unabridged month this guy hasn't been "dating" you. He'south been property day long, sometimes sporadic text message conversations with you.

    I can tell you as someone who has seen both sides. A guy who is really interested in you lot isn't looking to merely text. He wants to see you lot and makes it happen. You tin ask the other ladies who appointment very busy men and who are decorated themselves, fourth dimension is still made. If at that place's a will at that place's a manner.

    #509104 Reply


    Don't guess a man'south interest by his texting habits. Judge by his actions. He hasn't seen you in iii weeks – he's not interested. No one is that busy. I suspect he'south dating other women and you're not his get-go choice merely he's keeping yous on the claw equally a backup choice. Look for other guys to appointment and don't accept this one seriously. Most important, STOP contacting him first. You're chasing later a guy who's not that into you.

    #509129 Reply


    I understand what you all are saying, but I haven't really had time to see him either. Im in college/work and then is he. This is why I've fabricated texting such a big deal, it'due south my only current way of speaking to him without it interfering greatly with my schedule. You guys go along mentioning the 3 weeks, yet that doesn't carp me at all. I don't have fourth dimension to hang out as oft as I'd like and I really don't want anything serious at the moment. I want things to be coincidental for at present since nosotros're both in higher. However, a casual human relationship wont even be if we don't maintain contact — this is why the texting bugs me.

    #542550 Answer


    From my experience (made LOTS of mistakes) just leave it. If he'south interested, he'll text, if non, he won't. Ain't nothing you can exercise about it (except make yourself look like a stage v clinger). Don't chase or be a b**** about it. Just live your life as you did before you knew them. Be your fun, happy go lucky self. Waaaay more than attractive than being a sad sack of a pest. If he wants you, he'll come if non y'all're nevertheless live so….

    With this new attitude I have men texting me TOO much. They must think I'm busy doing interesting things. Niggling do they know all I do is hang out with my dog and go to the gym. 😂

    #542804 Answer


    I'm in a similar boat. I've been seeing a guy for I gauge most a month and a half now. He was really really into me but he recently got a new job that I think has him stressed and he hasn't texted me in an entire week. I can tell he gets on Facebook, snapchat, and he'south liked a couple of my insta grams, but no texts for a week. It's only foreign how he would text me literally everyday and so nothing. And I tin can't think of anything that would take triggered his silence. It'due south very frustrating. I've decided not to text him because I texted him final. If information technology's meant to be and so he needs to exist the one to text me this time. Information technology's kittenish merely I've resorted to posting cute pictures of myself having fun all over social media and then he sees them. My only advice would be to observe means to distract yourself from the situation and similar I said blow up social media with cute pictures of yourself having fun. Beingness in the phase earlier you are officially dating is crude considering if you address the issue of him not texting yous then you come off as needy and he could easily just leave and never speak to you once again. It'southward important to remain in proficient standing with him, that way you have the upper mitt. Just keep playing the game, infant.

    #542805 Answer


    Oh yeah and don't worry about not hanging out for three weeks thing. I'chiliad in school/ working as well and I see my guy about every three weeks. People on these forums can be negative nancies

    #543007 Answer


    Every bit some others have said I wouldn't base of operations his interest in you on his texting habits. Someone here previously said guys don't over call back the timing of text letters like we do and that'southward true I think. We read into every little message. Guys don't tend to exercise that. He probably does see your messages and might think "oh I'll reply to her a bit afterwards when I can" and he might forget.

    If yous're concerned that he'southward non texting you yous could just shoot him a relaxed text like oasis't heard from you in a while and encounter what happens. If he'due south withal waning in and out I'd but leave it and move on. Don't contact him too much and don't chase him. Let him initiate and come to you lot if he's really that interested. If he doesn't then you lot accept the opportunity to come across someone new.

    #543009 Respond


    Possibly ring him instead of texting? Might be better.

    #543086 Answer


    Old post

    #543097 Reply



    I'm non sure if this will exist relevant to your situation or not, but when my bf & I were most four-5 months into our human relationship he went away to the cottage with his kids. I know the phone signal out at that place can exist sketchy, just when I didn't hear from him for 4 days! I went a little crazy. Insecurities, anxieties all bubbled upwards. Anyway, in one case nosotros did talk again I explained to him, that although texting/talking may not be as necessary for him, it is of import to me. I didn't blame him or try to make him feel bad, only communicated how I felt. Long story brusque… he stepped upwards, and a year later he makes a point of contacting me at least once a mean solar day.

    If a guy is truly into yous, he volition want to do what he can to make you happy. At the same time, we tin can be generous and honest with

    him. Unless he shows himself to be untrustworthy or insincere, relax and base the human relationship on compatibility and, well, I gauge…. timing.

    Am I making any sense?

    #567138 Reply


    Hey !

    Similar situation and demand some good communication ! I'm 22 and am seeing someone who is 28 . We have been "seeing each other " for like 3 months now and use to run into each other at least once every week . Just he has never e'er been good at texting and everytime I've asked he has only said "I hate texting – only phone call me " simply I don't wanna call and be a hurting specially simply for a full general conversation !

    Recently his work has taken him out of London and before he left I double checked if he wanted to nonetheless keep seeing each other and he was similar "of course ! You ain't merely a fling "

    Now he is away he is useless at contact ! I did go to meet him last calendar week , but he hasn't attempted to text yet ?? Should I get rid ?

    #567462 Reply


    Same state of affairs hither! I've known this guy for iv months at present. We've been practiced friends for the beginning 2 months, and on the third he confessed that he beloved me, i as well told him that i love him also. We became more shut and open to each other. Then he decide to leave his job and come back to his hometown. I support his decision. When he came back,, he suddenly became depressed missing the city that he'd stay and with having no job. He keep sending me message, because he desperately need someone to talk. Certain i was in that location for him and told him i'm e'er here. And later on he take a problem with his sleeping schedule.

    I ask him terminal calendar week practise u still honey me. He said "yesssss Only we talk less present because of my sleeping schedule". that "just" hurts me a little coz that's a sign that something is not expert about us now. On friday we talk i ask how is he and his sleeping time and i'one thousand worried well-nigh him. He still take a problem with his sleep! That means he even so feel a fleck depressed. And then on saturday that's the 1st day of his ghosting. It'south been 5days now of not hearing anything from him. He didn't text me until now. I'm sure that he was looking for a chore just to fight his low. Was thinking also that he had a new girl now. I'm not really certain on whats his reason of his ghosting. Simply they said, you should gave them space. I know… Simply he already did this to me earlier! And I'yard moving on now!

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Source: https://www.anewmode.com/topic/he-hasnt-texted-for-an-entire-week/

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